The Bet


Anton Chekhov

The Watchman Character Analysis

The banker’s watchman is mostly absent from the narrative, but he is there to make sure the lawyer doesn’t escape. When the banker goes to sneak into the garden wing late at night before the bet is set to end, the watchman has presumably taken shelter from the bad weather and fallen asleep. Later, he runs to tell the banker that the lawyer climbed through the window and escaped.
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The Watchman Character Timeline in The Bet

The timeline below shows where the character The Watchman appears in The Bet. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2 is pouring rain. The banker sneaks out to the garden and calls for the watchman, but he gets no answer. He suspects the watchman has taken shelter from the bad... (full context)
The banker enters the hall and sees that the watchman is indeed missing. He taps on the lawyer’s window but the prisoner does not stir.... (full context)
The next morning, the watchman comes running to the banker and says that the lawyer climbed through the window into... (full context)