The Birthday Party


Harold Pinter

Monty Character Analysis

A man who never appears in the play. In conversation with Petey in the final act, Goldberg tells Petey that he and McCann will take Stanley to see Monty, who he leads Petey to believe is a doctor, though this seems doubtful, considering that he talks about Monty in an ominous and purposefully vague way.
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Monty Character Timeline in The Birthday Party

The timeline below shows where the character Monty appears in The Birthday Party. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act Three
...other things.” He then says he and McCann will take Stanley to a man named Monty. “You’re going to take him to a doctor?” Petey asks. “Sure, Monty,” Goldberg replies. (full context)
...the door, though, Petey enters and asks where they’re taking him. “We’re taking him to Monty,” Goldberg says. “He can stay here,” Petey replies, insisting that he and Meg can take... (full context)