The Body


Stephen King

Charlie Hogan Character Analysis

Charlie Hogan is a member of the gang of older boys that includes Billy Tessio, Ace Merrill, Eyeball Chambers, and Fuzzy Bracowicz. He and Billy were the first to discover Ray Brower’s body while they were joyriding in a stolen car, and although he fears punishment for that crime, his conscience is unsettled at the thought of not reporting the find and leaving the body to rot.

Charlie Hogan Quotes in The Body

The The Body quotes below are all either spoken by Charlie Hogan or refer to Charlie Hogan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 19 Quotes

“Jesus H Baldheaded Christ,” Teddy whispered, and he talked no more of going into the woods to see what was making that screaming noise. All four of us huddled up together and I thought of running. I doubt if I was the only one. If we had been tenting in Vern’s field—where our folks thought we were—we probably would have run. But Castle Rock was too far, and the thought of trying to run across that trestle in the dark made my blood freeze. Running deeper into Harlow and closer to the corpse of Ray Brower was equally unthinkable. We were stuck. If there was a ha’ant out there in the woods—what my dad called a Goosalum—and it wanted us, it would probably get us.

Related Characters: Gordie Lechance (speaker), Teddy Duchamp (speaker), Teddy Duchamp, Vern Tessio, Ray Brower , Billy Tessio , Charlie Hogan
Page Number: 119
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Chapter 26 Quotes

He was wrong to mention Denny. I had wanted to reason with him, to point out what Ace knew perfectly well, that we had every right to take Billy and Charlie’s dibs since Vern had heard them giving said dibs away. I wanted to tell them how Vern and I had almost gotten run down by a freight train on the trestle which spans the Castle River. About Milo Pressman and his fearless—if stupid—sidekick, Chopper the Wonder-Dog. About the bloodsuckers, too. I guess all I really wanted to tell him was Come on, Ace, fair is fair. You know that. But he had to bring Denny into it, and what I heard coming from my mouth was my own death-warrant: “Suck my fat one, you cheap dimestore hood.”

Related Characters: Gordie Lechance (speaker), Ray Brower , Billy Tessio , Charlie Hogan , Ace Merrill , Milo Pressman
Related Symbols: Tracks
Page Number: 148
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Charlie Hogan Quotes in The Body

The The Body quotes below are all either spoken by Charlie Hogan or refer to Charlie Hogan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 19 Quotes

“Jesus H Baldheaded Christ,” Teddy whispered, and he talked no more of going into the woods to see what was making that screaming noise. All four of us huddled up together and I thought of running. I doubt if I was the only one. If we had been tenting in Vern’s field—where our folks thought we were—we probably would have run. But Castle Rock was too far, and the thought of trying to run across that trestle in the dark made my blood freeze. Running deeper into Harlow and closer to the corpse of Ray Brower was equally unthinkable. We were stuck. If there was a ha’ant out there in the woods—what my dad called a Goosalum—and it wanted us, it would probably get us.

Related Characters: Gordie Lechance (speaker), Teddy Duchamp (speaker), Teddy Duchamp, Vern Tessio, Ray Brower , Billy Tessio , Charlie Hogan
Page Number: 119
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Chapter 26 Quotes

He was wrong to mention Denny. I had wanted to reason with him, to point out what Ace knew perfectly well, that we had every right to take Billy and Charlie’s dibs since Vern had heard them giving said dibs away. I wanted to tell them how Vern and I had almost gotten run down by a freight train on the trestle which spans the Castle River. About Milo Pressman and his fearless—if stupid—sidekick, Chopper the Wonder-Dog. About the bloodsuckers, too. I guess all I really wanted to tell him was Come on, Ace, fair is fair. You know that. But he had to bring Denny into it, and what I heard coming from my mouth was my own death-warrant: “Suck my fat one, you cheap dimestore hood.”

Related Characters: Gordie Lechance (speaker), Ray Brower , Billy Tessio , Charlie Hogan , Ace Merrill , Milo Pressman
Related Symbols: Tracks
Page Number: 148
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