The Boy Behind the Curtain


Tim Winton

Winton’s grandfather is a person about whom Winton hears dozens of colorful stories involving theater and other eccentricities, but by the time Winton is a child, his grandfather drives Betsy, the most embarrassing car Winton can imagine. Though his grandfather is inextricably tied to that embarrassment, he is also a voice of reason in Winton’s life, encouraging him to get an education and to use his own mind to its fullest potential.
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Tim Winton’s Grandfather Character Timeline in The Boy Behind the Curtain

The timeline below shows where the character Tim Winton’s Grandfather appears in The Boy Behind the Curtain. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Childhood and Home Theme Icon
...his flatbed Chevy or riding his Harley with a sidecar, Winton doesn’t understand why his grandfather now drives the car he calls Betsy—a 1954 Hillman Minx which, in Tim’s eyes, is... (full context)
Using the C-word
Childhood and Home Theme Icon
...of higher classes, they would always have power over him. He was told by his grandfather to continue with his education, because his boss would never be able to control what... (full context)