The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind


William Kamkwamba

Albert Mofat (Chief Wimbe) Character Analysis

The leader of the community in Wimbe, and Gilbert’s father. The Chief is supposed to ensure the well-being of his people, often picking up the slack when the Malawian government seems not to care about its citizens. Albert himself is just one generation of this role, who does his best to help people despite the famine.
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Albert Mofat (Chief Wimbe) Character Timeline in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The timeline below shows where the character Albert Mofat (Chief Wimbe) appears in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...the son of the chief of the Wimbe district. Gilbert’s father is known simply as Chief Wimbe , though his name is Albert Moffat. William and Geoffrey love to go to Gilbert’s... (full context)
Chapter 3
Chief Wimbe is away, so Mister Ngwata comes to discuss funeral arrangements and the inheritance of John’s... (full context)
Chapter 5
...for ganyu, but this year the estates have nothing extra to give out as payment. Chief Wimbe must find a way to help these women. (full context)
...chickens and livestock that the farmers are forced to sell. Women and children gather around Chief Wimbe ’s (and Gilbert’s) house, hoping for a handout. (full context)
The people of William’s village ask Chief Wimbe to speak on their behalf at the next rally for Muluzi, an event usually full... (full context)
...after his speech, and beat him for criticizing the president. For the next few weeks, Chief Wimbe hardly moves from his couch, scared to even go to the doctor about his injuries... (full context)
Chapter 6 see Gilbert, finding Gilbert’s house surrounded by people looking for a Christmas handout from Chief Wimbe . Even Gilbert’s family has no chicken for Christmas, but they at least have nsima... (full context)
Chapter 13
Soon after Agnes returns home from the hospital, Gilbert tells William that Chief Wimbe is very ill. After a few months, Chief Wimbe dies and the entire district begins... (full context)