The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind


William Kamkwamba

Trywell Kamkwamba Character Analysis

William’s father. A large, powerful man, Trywell had a reputation for drinking and fighting that got him in trouble until he decided to turn his life over to God and the Christian faith. William respects his father and idolizes his strength and generosity. Trywell teaches William how to be an upstanding member of the community who helps people in need and improves life for all. Trywell does not believe in the curses of Malawian magic, instead prioritizing education and business sense to imagine a better future for his children and the Malawian people.

Trywell Kamkwamba Quotes in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Trywell Kamkwamba or refer to Trywell Kamkwamba. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

We traveled four hours north to the Wimbe trading center, where my relatives were waiting to greet us. They helped us move down the road to Masitala village and into a one-room house near Uncle John.
This is where my father became a farmer and my childhood began.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Uncle John
Page Number: 38
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Chapter 7 Quotes

My parents never scolded Rose for taking more than her share. But Doris soon reached her breaking point. Over the past weeks she'd become paranoid, fearing she wouldn't get any food at supper and my parents wouldn't help her.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Agnes Kamkwamba, Doris, Rose
Page Number: 126
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My own problems didn't seem so important; the hunger belonged to the entire country. I decided to put faith in my father's word, that once we made it through the hunger, everything would be okay.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba (speaker)
Page Number: 134
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Chapter 10 Quotes

At least with daughters, like my sister Annie, a father can hope they'll marry a husband who can provide a home and food, even help them continue their schooling. But with a boy it's different. My education meant everything to my father.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Annie
Page Number: 183
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Trywell Kamkwamba Quotes in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Trywell Kamkwamba or refer to Trywell Kamkwamba. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

We traveled four hours north to the Wimbe trading center, where my relatives were waiting to greet us. They helped us move down the road to Masitala village and into a one-room house near Uncle John.
This is where my father became a farmer and my childhood began.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Uncle John
Page Number: 38
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Chapter 7 Quotes

My parents never scolded Rose for taking more than her share. But Doris soon reached her breaking point. Over the past weeks she'd become paranoid, fearing she wouldn't get any food at supper and my parents wouldn't help her.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Agnes Kamkwamba, Doris, Rose
Page Number: 126
Explanation and Analysis:

My own problems didn't seem so important; the hunger belonged to the entire country. I decided to put faith in my father's word, that once we made it through the hunger, everything would be okay.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba (speaker)
Page Number: 134
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Chapter 10 Quotes

At least with daughters, like my sister Annie, a father can hope they'll marry a husband who can provide a home and food, even help them continue their schooling. But with a boy it's different. My education meant everything to my father.

Related Characters: William Kamkwamba (speaker), Trywell Kamkwamba, Annie
Page Number: 183
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