The Bronze Bow


Elizabeth George Speare

Simon the Zealot Character Analysis

Simon, like Daniel, was once Amalek’s apprentice. Since then, he’s opened his own blacksmith shop. After Simon encounters Jesus and decides to follow him, he closes his shop, and after Daniel’s grandmother dies, he offers the shop and adjoining house to Daniel. Simon is a kind, gentle man who knows how to extend charity to others without making them feel ashamed. He ends up believing that Jesus is the Messiah. (In the Bible, Simon the Zealot is one of Jesus’s Twelve Apostles.)

Simon the Zealot Quotes in The Bronze Bow

The The Bronze Bow quotes below are all either spoken by Simon the Zealot or refer to Simon the Zealot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

[Daniel] was almost at the point of tears. Yet in the same instant such a fierce resentment sprang up in him that he dared not look his friend in the face. […] Everyone—the doctor, Leah, the neighbors, and now Simon, took it for granted that he had come home to stay. […] What about his life on the mountain? What about Rosh and Samson, and the work that must be done in the cave? Wasn’t that more important than a few farmers who wanted their wheels mended? Everything he loved […] the irresponsible life, the excitement of the raids, rose up and fought off the shackles that Simon held out to him in kindness.

Related Characters: Daniel bar Jamin, Leah, Rosh, Samson, Simon the Zealot
Page Number: 121
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Simon the Zealot Quotes in The Bronze Bow

The The Bronze Bow quotes below are all either spoken by Simon the Zealot or refer to Simon the Zealot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

[Daniel] was almost at the point of tears. Yet in the same instant such a fierce resentment sprang up in him that he dared not look his friend in the face. […] Everyone—the doctor, Leah, the neighbors, and now Simon, took it for granted that he had come home to stay. […] What about his life on the mountain? What about Rosh and Samson, and the work that must be done in the cave? Wasn’t that more important than a few farmers who wanted their wheels mended? Everything he loved […] the irresponsible life, the excitement of the raids, rose up and fought off the shackles that Simon held out to him in kindness.

Related Characters: Daniel bar Jamin, Leah, Rosh, Samson, Simon the Zealot
Page Number: 121
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