The Canterville Ghost


Oscar Wilde

The Duke of Cheshire Character Analysis

The Duke of Cheshire is a young aristocrat who is smitten with Virginia and eventually marries her. The Duke first proposes to Virginia when she displays her horseback riding skills to him; however, she rejects him, and he leaves Canterville Chase in tears. This does not dissuade him in his attempts, however, and he continues to court Virginia. When she disappears with Sir Simon, the Duke of Cheshire is so anxious to find her that he joins the search party without a hat, forcing Mr. Otis to stop along the way. He assures his future father-in-law, however, that he doesn’t want a hat. He only wants Virginia.
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The Duke of Cheshire Character Timeline in The Canterville Ghost

The timeline below shows where the character The Duke of Cheshire appears in The Canterville Ghost. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4 
A visit from a friend of the Canterville family, the young Duke of Cheshire (whose family Sir Simon has terrorized for centuries during such visits), is almost... (full context)
Chapter 5
A few days go by, and Virginia—who has been out in the fields with the Duke of Cheshire—stumbles upon Sir Simon as he sits staring out a window in a funk.... (full context)
Chapter 6 
...immediately suspected, and Mr. Otis goes out on the hunt for them along with the Duke of Cheshire. They stop along the way, however, to buy the Duke a hat so... (full context)
Chapter 7
...Virginia’s assistance when in the following days she is engaged and then wedded to the Duke of Cheshire—a ceremony that requires her to stand before Queen Victoria herself. Mr. Otis disapproves... (full context)
Later, alone at Canterville Chase, the Duke asks Virginia what happened when she was alone with Sir Simon. She says that she... (full context)