One of Theo’s old history teachers who selected Theo as his favorite student during Theo’s time as an Oxford undergraduate. Fearing a “total breakdown of order” in the time directly after Year Omega, Jasper moved to the country and has become “obsessive” about safeguarding his property and possessions. He calls upon Theo to visit him early in the novel, and Theo is struck by how rapidly Jasper is aging. At this visit, Jasper tells Theo that he is considering moving back to Oxford, and wants to join Theo in Theo’s oversized house. His wife Hilda, he mentions casually, is considering taking part in a Quietus, or a mass ritual suicide by drowning. Theo doesn’t make Jasper “any promises” as to the two of them moving in together, feeling that while he owes a lot to Jasper, he does not owe him the use of his home. After Hilda’s death, Theo doesn’t hear much from Jasper. When Theo joins The Five Fishes and their group is in need of shelter and supplies, Theo suggests visiting Jasper’s house. When they arrive, they find that Jasper has committed suicide in solitude.