The Circle


Dave Eggers

Julian Assange Character Analysis

Controversial, real-life Internet activist and founder of Wikileaks, a website that leaks government secrets. In The Circle, Eamon Bailey offers Julian Assange as an example of a great man who is committed to the idea that secrets are immoral. (Notably, Bailey claims that Assange’s leaks haven’t resulted in any deaths—a statement that has been hotly debated in real life.)
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Julian Assange Character Timeline in The Circle

The timeline below shows where the character Julian Assange appears in The Circle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book One, part 8
...that secrets are also unacceptable in the case of politics, and that heroic figures like Julian Assange have changed the world by leaking secrets to the press. Everyone, he argues, “has the... (full context)