The Circuit


Francisco Jiménez

Mr. Patrini Character Analysis

Mr. Patrini owns a vineyard that Francisco’s family works in one summer. Papá hears that Mr. Patrini gives his workers good living quarters, which is why he wants to work for him. Mr. Patrini gives the family a crumbling old house to live in, but Francisco’s family is very excited about since it is the first house they have ever lived in.
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Mr. Patrini Character Timeline in The Circuit

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Patrini appears in The Circuit. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
To Have and to Hold
Change and Instability Theme Icon heads to a town called Orosi. Papá has heard that a farmer there named Mr. Patrini provides good living quarters for his workers.  (full context)
Change and Instability Theme Icon
Francisco’s family finally arrives at Orosi, and Mr. Patrini , the owner of the vineyard, shows them the old, two-storied wooden house they’ll be... (full context)
Childhood vs. Adulthood Theme Icon
Family and Community Theme Icon
Before sunrise the next morning, Papá, Roberto, Francisco, and Trampita go to pick grapes for Mr. Patrini . Though Francisco takes his notepad with him, it’s too hot and the work is... (full context)
Family and Community Theme Icon
...not lost. A few days later, the family moves into a labor camp owned by Mr. Patrini , and Francisco returns to picking grapes. As he works, he tries to recall the... (full context)