The City of Ember


Jeanne DuPrau

The head gardener and formerly Lina’s father’s boss. Clary is a solid, square, and quiet woman. Lina often seeks Clary out for guidance or comfort, since when Clary does speak, it’s often hard-hitting and truthful. For instance, Clary is the one to suggest to Lina that all people, no matter how good or bad, have darkness inside them, but what matters isn’t the darkness itself—it’s what people choose to do with it. She takes Lina’s concerns and suspicions about the Instructions seriously and is able to help Lina decipher the partially destroyed document.

Clary Laine Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by Clary Laine or refer to Clary Laine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“There is so much darkness in Ember, Lina. It’s not just outside, it’s inside us, too. Everyone has some darkness inside. It’s like a hungry creature. It wants and wants and wants with a terrible power. And the more you give it, the bigger and hungrier it gets.”

Related Characters: Clary Laine (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Mayor Cole
Related Symbols: Colored Pencils
Page Number: 168
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Clary Laine Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by Clary Laine or refer to Clary Laine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“There is so much darkness in Ember, Lina. It’s not just outside, it’s inside us, too. Everyone has some darkness inside. It’s like a hungry creature. It wants and wants and wants with a terrible power. And the more you give it, the bigger and hungrier it gets.”

Related Characters: Clary Laine (speaker), Lina Mayfleet, Mayor Cole
Related Symbols: Colored Pencils
Page Number: 168
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