The City of Ember


Jeanne DuPrau

Sadge Merrall Character Analysis

A Supply Depot clerk who always seems drawn and worried. Lina is around when Sadge stumbles into the greenhouses after venturing into the Unknown Regions, looking for something to help Ember. His experience was terrifying and he declares that there’s nothing out there. He later seems to experience a mental breakdown as a result of his foray.
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Sadge Merrall Character Timeline in The City of Ember

The timeline below shows where the character Sadge Merrall appears in The City of Ember. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4 stumble and fall when he trips over a hose. Lina recognizes the man as Sadge Merrall, a Supply Depot clerk. Clary helps Sadge up and leads him toward the greenhouse,... (full context)
Lina asks what Sadge was looking for. Sadge says he was looking for something to help them, like stairs... (full context)
Clary says that Sadge is the fourth one this year to try to penetrate the Unknown Regions. She tells... (full context)
Chapter 5
...streets are alive with people, making Lina feel happy, but she stops when she sees Sadge Merrall shouting. He shouts that he’s been to the Unknown Regions, and that there’s nothing... (full context)