The City of Ember


Jeanne DuPrau

The Seventh Mayor Character Analysis

Ember’s seventh mayor. He was a dishonorable man and when he became ill, he selfishly believed that the box containing the Instructions to leave the city contained the cure. Because of this, the Instructions ended up in the back of a closet. The seventh mayor is Lina’s great-great-grandfather, which is why Lina finds the box in her apartment decades later.

The Seventh Mayor Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by The Seventh Mayor or refer to The Seventh Mayor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

She bent over The Book of the City of Ember and read a few sentences: “The citizens of Ember may not have luxuries, but the foresight of the Builders, who filled the storerooms at the beginning of time, has ensured that they will always have enough, and enough is all that a person of wisdom needs.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet, The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Page Number: 34
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Chapter 3 Quotes

“Can you explain to me about the generator?” he asked. “Can you tell me how it works?”

The old man just sighed. “All I know is, the river makes it go.”

“But how?”

The man shrugged. “Who knows? Our job is just to keep it from breaking down.”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Related Symbols: The River
Page Number: 48
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The Seventh Mayor Quotes in The City of Ember

The The City of Ember quotes below are all either spoken by The Seventh Mayor or refer to The Seventh Mayor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

She bent over The Book of the City of Ember and read a few sentences: “The citizens of Ember may not have luxuries, but the foresight of the Builders, who filled the storerooms at the beginning of time, has ensured that they will always have enough, and enough is all that a person of wisdom needs.”

Related Characters: Lina Mayfleet, The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Page Number: 34
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Chapter 3 Quotes

“Can you explain to me about the generator?” he asked. “Can you tell me how it works?”

The old man just sighed. “All I know is, the river makes it go.”

“But how?”

The man shrugged. “Who knows? Our job is just to keep it from breaking down.”

Related Characters: Doon Harrow (speaker), The Builders, The Seventh Mayor
Related Symbols: The River
Page Number: 48
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