The Color of Law

The Color of Law


Richard Rothstein

Latin for “by law,” a legal term referring to acts, practices, or conditions that are put in place by the law. This contrasts with things that are “de facto,” or present because of the decisions of private individuals, and not because of official laws or government action. Rothstein’s thesis in The Color of Law is that the United States’ system of residential segregation is de jure, not de facto. In every American city, certain neighborhoods are all (or nearly all) African American and others are all (or nearly all) white, not because of “individual choices,” but becuase of “racially explicit policies of federal, state, and local governments.”

De Jure Quotes in The Color of Law

The The Color of Law quotes below are all either spoken by De Jure or refer to De Jure. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Preface Quotes

De facto segregation, we tell ourselves, has various causes. When African Americans moved into a neighborhood like Ferguson, a few racially prejudiced white families decided to leave, and then as the number of black families grew, the neighborhood deteriorated, and “white flight” followed. Real estate agents steered whites away from black neighborhoods, and blacks away from white ones. Banks discriminated with “redlining,” refusing to give mortgages to African Americans or extracting unusually severe terms from them with subprime loans. African Americans haven’t generally gotten the educations that would enable them to earn sufficient incomes to live in white suburbs, and, as a result, many remain concentrated in urban neighborhoods. Besides, black families prefer to live with one another.

All this has some truth, but it remains a small part of the truth, submerged by a far more important one: until the last quarter of the twentieth century, racially explicit policies of federal, state, and local governments defined where whites and African Americans should live. […] Segregation by intentional government action is not de facto. Rather, it is what courts call de jure: segregation by law and public policy.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker)
Page Number: vii-viii
Explanation and Analysis:
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By failing to recognize that we now live with the severe, enduring effects of de jure segregation, we avoid confronting our constitutional obligation to reverse it. If I am right that we continue to have de jure segregation, then desegregation is not just a desirable policy; it is a constitutional as well as a moral obligation that we are required to fulfill.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker)
Page Number: xi
Explanation and Analysis:

Half a century ago, the truth of de jure segregation was well known, but since then we have suppressed our historical memory and soothed ourselves into believing that it all happened by accident or by misguided private prejudice. Popularized by Supreme Court majorities from the 1970s to the present, the de facto segregation myth has now been adopted by conventional opinion, liberal and conservative alike.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker), The Supreme Court
Page Number: xii
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Chapter 4 Quotes

The HOLC created color-coded maps of every metropolitan area in the nation, with the safest neighborhoods colored green and the riskiest colored red. A neighborhood earned a red color if African Americans lived in it, even if it was a solid middle-class neighborhood of single-family homes.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker), Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Related Symbols: Homeownership
Page Number: 64
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5 Quotes

The Supreme Court decision in Shelley v. Kraemer, banning court enforcement of restrictive covenants, had been unanimous, 6-0. Three of the nine justices excused themselves from participating because their objectivity might have been challenged—there were racial restrictions covering the homes in which they lived.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker), The Supreme Court
Page Number: 91
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Chapter 7 Quotes

The consequences of racially targeted subprime lending continue to accumulate. As the housing bubble collapsed, African American homeownership rates fell much more than white rates. Families no longer qualify for conventional mortgages if they previously defaulted when they were unable to make exorbitant loan payments; for these families, the contract buying system of the 1960s is now making its return. Some of the same firms that exploited African Americans in the subprime crisis are now reselling foreclosed properties to low- and moderate-income households at high interest rates, with high down payments, with no equity accumulated until the contract period has ended, and with eviction possible after a single missed payment.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker)
Related Symbols: Homeownership
Page Number: 113
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Chapter 8 Quotes

The Milpitas story illustrates the extraordinary creativity that government officials at all levels displayed when they were motivated to prevent the movement of African Americans into white neighborhoods. It wasn’t only the large-scale federal programs of public housing and mortgage finance that created de jure segregation. Hundreds, if not thousands of smaller acts of government contributed. They included petty actions like denial of access to public utilities; determining, once African Americans wanted to build, that their property was, after all, needed for parkland; or discovering that a road leading to African American homes was “private.” They included routing interstate highways to create racial boundaries or to shift the residential placement of African American families. And they included choosing school sites to force families to move to segregated neighborhoods if they wanted education for their children.

Taken in isolation, we can easily dismiss such devices as aberrations. But when we consider them as a whole, we can see that they were part of a national system by which state and local government supplemented federal efforts to maintain the status of African Americans as a lower caste, with housing segregation preserving the badges and incidents of slavery.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker), David Bohannon
Page Number: 122
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Chapter 9 Quotes

“N_____ have moved into Levittown!”

Related Characters: Bill Myers, Robert Mereday, Vince Mereday
Related Symbols: Homeownership
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

I hesitate to offer suggestions about desegregation policies and remedies because, imprecise and incomplete though they may be, remedies are inconceivable as long as citizens, whatever their political views, continue to accept the myth of de facto segregation. If segregation was created by accident or by undefined private prejudices, it is too easy to believe that it can only be reversed by accident or, in some mysterious way, by changes in people’s hearts. But if we—the public and policy makers—acknowledge that the federal, state, and local governments segregated our metropolitan areas, we may open our minds to considering how those same federal, state, and local governments might adopt equally aggressive policies to desegregate.

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker)
Page Number: 198
Explanation and Analysis:

“In the North, too, African Americans faced segregation and discrimination. Even where there were no explicit laws, de facto segregation, or segregation by unwritten custom or tradition, was a fact of life. African Americans in the North were denied housing in many neighborhoods.”


With very rare exceptions, textbook after textbook adopts the same mythology. If middle and high school students are being taught a false history, is it any wonder that they come to believe that African Americans are segregated only because they don’t want to marry or because they prefer to live only among themselves? Is it any wonder that they grow up inclined to think that programs to ameliorate ghetto conditions are simply undeserved handouts?

Related Characters: Richard Rothstein (speaker)
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
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De Jure Term Timeline in The Color of Law

The timeline below shows where the term De Jure appears in The Color of Law. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...nation-wide policy enacted by government at all levels. Racial segregation in the United States is de jure , not de facto. (full context)
Chapter 1: If San Francisco, Then Everywhere? generally considered “liberal and inclusive” compared to much of the United States, so if de jure segregation happened there, then chances are it happened in many other places, too. The historically... (full context)
...they legally owned. (Unlike white people, they could not get loans to build houses.) This de jure segregation was supported by private organizations like the USO (which segregated its clubs), and public... (full context)
Chapter 7: IRS Support and Compliant Regulators
...racial segregation, it is nonetheless unconstitutional when regulators mandate “systematic racial exclusion”—this clearly counts as de jure segregation. Similarly, it is wrong for regulators to support racist and pro-segregation nonprofits, even if... (full context)
In Part II, Rothstein explains how insurance companies have contributed to de jure segregation. They often work closely with state governments, especially when they propose building housing, and... (full context)
...looks at how banks and thrift institutions with government insurance and oversight also “contributed to de jure segregation” through redlining. These institutions “refuse[d] service to African Americans only because […] regulators chose... (full context)
Chapter 9: State-Sanctioned Violence
...the cases of Wilbur Gary and Bill Myers’s families, the police’s inaction counts as “government-sponsored, de jure segregation.” He points out that “the government [is not always] accountable for every action of... (full context)
Chapter 10: Suppressed Incomes
...current disadvantages in terms of income, wealth, and housing affordability. And it should be considered de jure segregation. (full context)
Chapter 11: Looking Forward, Looking Back
...overall “effective,” in part because they involved only “modifying future behavior.” This contrasts with ending de jure housing segregation, which is comparatively more difficult because it “requires undoing past actions.” Through an... (full context)
Chapter 12: Considering Fixes
...would probably win even less support today, since people have largely forgotten “the extent of de jure segregation.” (full context)
...Rothstein explains that he has a few ideas for how “to rectify the legacy of de jure segregation,” although none are “politically possible” yet. His first, most just, and least realistic is... (full context)
...meant segregation had no “constitutional implications,” but Rothstein arguest that the fact that segregation is de jure means that it clearly should have these implications. Rothstein chalks America’s inaction on segregation up... (full context)
...housing assistance programs that force African American people into ghettos. While “undoing the effects of de jure segregation will be incomparably difficult,” the first step is understanding what has happened and “accept[ing]... (full context)