The Country Wife


William Wycherley

The Country Wife: Act 4, Scene 4 Summary & Analysis

In her chamber, Margery longs to see Horner and realizes that she is in love with him. She has heard that town ladies fall in love with “gallants” and now knows this experience herself; the thought of Horner fills her with desire whereas the thought of Pinchwife makes her sick. She decides to write a letter to Horner, now that she knows how to, but Pinchwife interrupts her and steals the letter from her.
Margery is suffering from “lovesickness;” a stock theatrical trope and a condition associated with love between nobles. It was believed to have physical symptoms like an illness.
Pinchwife keeps Margery in the room while he reads the letter. She has written to Horner that she loves him, is disgusted by her husband, and that she wishes that Horner will free her from her marriage. The letter is unfinished, but it asks Horner to help her before something takes place and Pinchwife assumes that this thing is his and Margery’s return to the country. Pinchwife is horrified; he laments that women are so corrupt, deceitful, and affected and pulls his sword on Margery.
Pinchwife shows his misogynistic attitude towards women. He has married Margery because she is from the country and, therefore, he believes she is stupid and ignorant and will be easy to control. This is all Pinchwife really wants in a wife; someone who will make him look good, be totally faithful to him, and expect nothing in return.
Sparkish enters and is startled by the scene; he has come to collect Margery for the wedding dinner. Pinchwife refuses to let her go, as Sparkish anticipated, and locks her in her chamber instead. Sparkish asks where Alithea is and Pinchwife tells him that she is probably with another man, as all women do is cheat on their husbands. Sparkish ignores him and the two go for dinner.
Sparkish does not care where Alithea is and does not believe that she will cheat on him because he is convinced that he is such a catch and that she cannot do better.