The Crucible


Arthur Miller

Thomas Putnam Character Analysis

The husband of Ann Putnam, and one of the richest farmers and landowners in all of Salem. Putnam is a bitter man who feels that the citizens of Salem have not given him the respect that he and his family deserve. He seeks to gain respect and revenge by increasing his wealth, landholdings, and influence however he can.
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Thomas Putnam Character Timeline in The Crucible

The timeline below shows where the character Thomas Putnam appears in The Crucible. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1
Mrs. Ann Putnam barges into the room. Parris yells that no one should enter, but when he sees... (full context)
Mrs. Putnam tells Parris this event is a mark of hell on his house. She then asks... (full context)
Thomas Putnam enters and says it's a blessing that the "thing is out now." Putnam remarks that... (full context)
At her husband's insistence, Mrs. Putnam, who's had seven babies die in infancy, admits she sent Ruth to Tituba, who can... (full context)
Parris moans that he'll be run out of town. But Putnam says Parris won't be if he stands up and declares he's discovered witchcraft instead of... (full context)
Mercy Lewis, the Putnam's servant, enters with word that Ruth has improved slightly. Putnam and Abigail convince Parris he... (full context)
Downstairs, Parris and the crowd sing a psalm. Betty begins to wail. Parris and the Putnams run into the room. Mrs. Putnam says it's a sign of witchcraft: Betty can't bear... (full context)
...for spirits without first holding a meeting. The dispute erupts into an argument between Proctor, Putnam, Mrs. Putnam, Rebecca Nurse, and Parris about town politics and grievances. The argument covers everything... (full context)
...and that he hopes he'll bring some sense to Salem. Hale examines Betty, but when Putnam mentions witchcraft Hale stops him. Hale says that the mark of the devil is clear.... (full context)
Putnam, Mrs. Putnam, and Parris tell Hale of the recent events. Hale and Rebecca are shocked... (full context)
Troubled, Hale asks Abigail if she conjured the devil. Abigail says Tituba did. As Mrs. Putnam goes to get Tituba, Hale asks Abigail several questions: did she feel the devil's presence,... (full context)
...Tituba says she never has. Parris threatens to whip her to death unless she confesses. Putnam yells that she should be hanged. Tituba screams in terror that she didn't want to... (full context)
Tituba identifies Sarah Good and Mrs. Osburn as other witches. Mrs. Putnam shouts that she knew it! Osburn was the midwife at the births of three of... (full context)
...women she's seen with the devil. Betty wakes and begins to chant names too. Parris, Putnam, and Hale call for the town marshal as the girls scream out the names of... (full context)
Act 3
...Governor Danforth question Martha Corey. Giles Corey suddenly shouts that he has evidence that Thomas Putnam is using the trials to get more land. Corey is dragged from the courtroom (and... (full context)
Next, Corey provides a deposition that quotes a witness who heard Thomas Putnam say he had his daughter charge a man with witchcraft in order to get his... (full context)