The protagonist of Wharfinger’s fictional play The Courier’s Tragedy, Niccolò is the legitimate heir to the Dukedom of Faggio. Long before the events of the play, Niccolò’s illegitimate brother Pasquale plotted with the evil Duke of Squamuglia, Angelo, to take power by killing Niccolò. But the dissident Ercole saved Niccolò’s life and raised him in secret. The play revolves around Niccolò’s attempt to regain his rightful place in Faggio, and he spends much of the play in Angelo’s court, disguised as Thurn and Taxis employee. When Angelo sends him to deliver a letter to Gennaro, Niccolò realizes that he is about to finally win control over Faggio. But Angelo also sends Tristero bandits to kill Niccolò, and they do in a bizarre scene that convinces Oedipa to start investigating the mysterious Tristero for some deeper meaning.