The Dead


James Joyce

Kate and Julia’s niece. Her father Pat died and her aunts took her into their care around thirty years ago. Now she plays the organ at Haddington Road. She acts as a peace keeper throughout the night, diffusing tension when the discussion turns too controversial. She is the third of the “Three Graces” Gabriel describes in his speech, along with his two aunts.

Mary Jane Quotes in The Dead

The The Dead quotes below are all either spoken by Mary Jane or refer to Mary Jane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Section 2 Quotes

I know all about the honour of God, Mary Jane, but I think it’s not at all honourable for the pope to turn out the women of the choirs that have slaved there all their lives and put little whipper-snappers of boys over their heads. I suppose it is for the good of the Church if the pope does it. But it’s not just Mary Jane, and it’s not right.

Related Characters: Kate Morkan (Aunt Kate) (speaker), Mary Jane
Page Number: 195
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Mary Jane Quotes in The Dead

The The Dead quotes below are all either spoken by Mary Jane or refer to Mary Jane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Section 2 Quotes

I know all about the honour of God, Mary Jane, but I think it’s not at all honourable for the pope to turn out the women of the choirs that have slaved there all their lives and put little whipper-snappers of boys over their heads. I suppose it is for the good of the Church if the pope does it. But it’s not just Mary Jane, and it’s not right.

Related Characters: Kate Morkan (Aunt Kate) (speaker), Mary Jane
Page Number: 195
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