The Cecco Angiulieri who appears in Neifile’s ninth tale (IX, 4), is based on a late 13th-century poet who knew Cecco Fortarrigo. In The Decameron, he is a handsome and chivalrous young man who wants to enhance his fortunes in the papal court and who falls victim to Fortarrigo’s vices.
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Cecco Angiulieri Character Timeline in The Decameron
The timeline below shows where the character Cecco Angiulieri appears in The Decameron. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Day 9: Fourth Tale how sometimes a bad man’s cunning can defeat a good man’s wisdom. In Siena, Cecco Angiulieri and Cecco Fortarrigo, although very different in character, bond over their mutual hatred of their...
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Cecco Fortarrigo wants to go with Cecco Angiulieri and offers to serve as his valet in exchange for room and board. Because Fortarrigo...
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But discovering that his money is missing, Cecco Angiulieri is delayed and is still at the inn when Cecco Fortarrigo, in just his undergarments,...
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Eventually, Cecco Angiulieri becomes so distraught that he rides out of the town. Cecco Fortarrigo jogs behind him,...
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So, instead of presenting himself as a rich gentleman to the cardinal, Cecco Angiulieri slinks away in his undershirt and stays with relatives until his father comes to his...
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Duprey, Annalese. "The Decameron Characters: Cecco Angiulieri." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 29 Jul 2022. Web. 11 Jan 2025.