The Devil’s Highway


Luis Alberto Urrea

Reymundo Barreda, Sr. Character Analysis

The member of the Yuma 14 whose death inspired, for Urrea, “the most sorrow and conversation” of any of the walkers. Reymundo and his son, Reymundo Jr., set out together into the desert in hopes of spending a summer working orange groves in Florida, but both died on the journey. Reymundo Sr. was witness to his son’s death as Reymundo Jr. died in his arms. Reymundo was found dead in the desert, very near to his child, and, years later, Urrea received a letter from a nephew of Reymundo Sr., thanking Urrea for writing the “truth” of his relatives’ death.
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Reymundo Barreda, Sr. Character Timeline in The Devil’s Highway

The timeline below shows where the character Reymundo Barreda, Sr. appears in The Devil’s Highway. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: In Veracruz
Reymundo Barreda approached Don Moi, along with his son Reymundo Jr. Both were hoping to make their... (full context)
Chapter 8: Bad Step at Bluebird
...of the men joke and tease one another as they struggle to catch their breaths— Reymundo Sr. attempts to help his son, Reymundo Jr., with the ascent. Mendez knows that the “surest... (full context)
Chapter 11: Their Names the U.S. in hopes of being able to afford to raise his five children. Reymundo Barreda Maruri, at fifty-six, was the “grandpa of the group.” He had been to the U.S. once... (full context)
Chapter 13: The Trees and the Sun
...the sand and is “barbecued” in the dirt. Julian Malaga tears up his money, and Reymundo Sr., too, throws his money into the air, crying and wailing. One man removes all his... (full context)
Afterword: Ten Years On
...Patrol Agents, though, unfortunately, Urrea has “lost track” of the survivors. He also revealed that Reymundo Sr.’s nephew wrote to him after the book’s publication, expressing gratitude to Urrea for writing the... (full context)