The Diary of a Madman


Nikolai Gogol

Medji and Fidèle Character Analysis

Medji and Fidèle are two dogs in Poprishchin’s neighborhood. Medji is the lapdog of Sophie, who is the daughter of Poprishchin’s boss. Fidèle’s owner lives in a building owned by a man called Zverkov, whom Poprishchin scorns for having low-class tenants. When Poprishchin encounters Medji and Fidèle while he is out in town, he believes the two dogs are speaking to each other in human language. Medji and Fidèle discuss the letters they have sent to one another, and Poprishchin is intrigued by these letters’ contents. He eventually goes to both Medji’s and Fidèle’s homes to steal the letters, which reveal details about the lives of the dogs’ owners. Poprishchin does not realize that hearing Medji and Fidèle speak with human voices indicates serious mental disturbance; he is convinced that such things are normal. Poprishchin’s interactions with Medji and Fidèle, therefore, illustrate the beginnings of his insanity.

Medji and Fidèle Quotes in The Diary of a Madman

The The Diary of a Madman quotes below are all either spoken by Medji and Fidèle or refer to Medji and Fidèle. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
October 3 Quotes

Ah, you pup! I confess, I was very surprised to hear her speak in human language. But later, when I’d thought it over properly, I at once ceased to be surprised… I confess, lately I had begun sometimes to hear and see things no one had ever seen or heard before.

Related Characters: Aksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin (speaker), Medji and Fidèle
Page Number: 281
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December 3 Quotes

So what if he’s a kammerjunker. It’s nothing more than a dignity; it’s not anything visible that you can take in your hands. Several times already I’ve tried to figure out where all these differences come from. What makes me a titular councillor, and why on earth am I a titular councillor? […] Maybe I myself don’t know who I am.

Related Characters: Aksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin (speaker), Medji and Fidèle, Teplov
Page Number: 292
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Medji and Fidèle Quotes in The Diary of a Madman

The The Diary of a Madman quotes below are all either spoken by Medji and Fidèle or refer to Medji and Fidèle. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
October 3 Quotes

Ah, you pup! I confess, I was very surprised to hear her speak in human language. But later, when I’d thought it over properly, I at once ceased to be surprised… I confess, lately I had begun sometimes to hear and see things no one had ever seen or heard before.

Related Characters: Aksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin (speaker), Medji and Fidèle
Page Number: 281
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December 3 Quotes

So what if he’s a kammerjunker. It’s nothing more than a dignity; it’s not anything visible that you can take in your hands. Several times already I’ve tried to figure out where all these differences come from. What makes me a titular councillor, and why on earth am I a titular councillor? […] Maybe I myself don’t know who I am.

Related Characters: Aksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin (speaker), Medji and Fidèle, Teplov
Page Number: 292
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