The Disappearing Spoon


Sam Kean

The Disappearing Spoon: Chapter 4: Where Atoms Come From: “We Are All Star Stuff” Summary & Analysis

For a long time, scientists assumed that all the elements that currently exist have always existed. When the Big Bang theory emerged in the 1930s, it was assumed that this was coherent with this idea of the elements always existing. However, scientists then began to realize that young stars contain only two elements, hydrogen and helium, and that only older stars contain an abundant variety of elements. In the 1950s, four scientists proposed that the early universe featured mostly hydrogen, plus a little helium and lithium—and nothing else. Stars produce nothing but helium for billions of years but—at a certain point of burning—then begin fusing helium atoms, which results in a proliferation of further elements.
Though it is hard for the human mind to comprehend, everything in the universe—from the human body to enigmas at the edge of the universe—was once a hydrogen, helium, or lithium atom. It is one of the mysteries of the universe that such extraordinary complexity emerges from the simplest of building blocks.
After using up their stores of helium, some stars die, whereas other, bigger ones keep burning until they reach the final element in the periodic table, iron. If a star has produced iron, it won’t produce any further elements. This still leaves the very heaviest elements (from cobalt to uranium). Scientists believe that these are produced when gigantic stars implode into tiny iron cores, then explode outward in a gigantic supernova. A supernova happened in our solar system around 4.6 billion years ago, and the dust cloud that formed as a result eventually became our sun and planets. Several elements are named after the planets in our solar system, including uranium, neptunium, and plutonium.
Stars contain so much energy that the reactions taking place in them produces new elements—yet even this level of energy is dwarfed by that produced when a star implodes before becoming a supernova. Again, the fact that the same elements are found on Earth as in stars emphasizes both the vastness of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.
The way elements behave on gassy giants like Jupiter is so unlike the way they do on Earth, leading scientists to come up with seemingly outlandish speculations about what these planets are like. The weather on Jupiter is similarly extraordinary—there is a hurricane three times the size of Earth that has been raging on the planet for centuries. Scientists use weather maps to explain the placement of elements like helium and neon on Jupiter, which aren’t distributed in the way one might immediately expect.
Compared to studying distant galaxies or the Big Bang, it might seem comparatively easy to study planets in our own solar system, like Jupiter. However, Jupiter is still hundreds of millions of miles away from Earth, and the planet’s conditions that would make it impossible for any human to go there even if distance wasn’t a problem.
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The rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) formed after the gas giants. At first, all the elements inside Earth were mixed together in a uniform way. Over time, however, they moved around and ended up deposited in different parts of the planet in “clusters.” The relative abundance of certain elements within each solar system is unique, an “elemental signature” determined by the way in which the solar system was originally formed by a supernova. The atomic weight of each element in the periodic table is not fixed across the universe—rather, it is true for our galaxy. Scientists know how the earth, solar system, and galaxy were formed by analyzing the elements in the earth’s crust.
As if something like atomic weight weren’t hard enough to wrap one’s head around, it isn’t even a universal truth—it’s only true for this particular galaxy. This is just one of the book’s many reminders about the vastly unknowable nature of the universe.
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The age of Earth was precisely worked out in the 1950s by a graduate student named Clair Patterson, who had previously worked on the Manhattan Project. He knew that there were three different isotopes (types) of lead on Earth, each with a different atomic weight. Some of this was created by the supernova that formed our solar system, and some came more recently, from uranium. He decided to use the relative abundance of the different isotopes to measure the rate of uranium decay, which would provide an accurate sense of the earth’s age. Although Patterson ran into some initial difficulties, he was maniacally devoted to the project and he eventually managed to estimate that the earth is 4.55 billion years old.
Patterson was hardly the first scientist who tried to figure out the age of the planet. However, his method of using the rate of uranium decay (known as radioactive dating) was revolutionary and it allowed him to become the first scientist to achieve a relatively accurate estimate.
In 1977, Luis and Walter Alvarez, physicist-geologists who were also father and son, studied limestone in Italy that dated from the dinosaurs’ extinction. They found inexplicable red clay along with unusually high amounts of iridium, which is often found on comets. This led them to speculate that a giant asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago, killing 99 percent of life on the planet. Soon after, this theory was bolstered when a large crater, likely caused by an asteroid impact, was discovered in Mexico. Yet this theory clashed with evidence that the dinosaurs died out gradually over hundreds of thousands of years. Some argued that many asteroid hits had taken place over the course of Earth’s history, each causing the mass extinctions that have happened at fairly regular intervals.
It is one of the paradoxes of science that there is more certainty about something as distant and abstract as the Big Bang than there is about the extinction of the dinosaurs, which happened right here on Earth and was relatively recent. Yet just because something is distant and hard to fathom from a lay perspective doesn’t necessarily make it harder for scientists to understand, and vice versa. Indeed, some of the biggest mysteries in science can actually be found within the human body.
However, Earth is small and asteroid impacts are highly unlikely; what could have caused them to happen in a regular pattern? A scientist named Richard Muller proposed an answer: the sun has a twin, another star called Nemesis, that causes asteroids to hurtle toward Earth at regular intervals. Although even Muller only proposed this idea half-seriously, it would explain a lot of the unresolved questions about the extinction of the dinosaurs. Muller published a book about Nemesis, but few took the possibility of its existence seriously. Other explanations for why a semi-regular rain of comets hits Earth include the possibility that they are pulled by the sun itself. The astrophysicist Carl Sagan memorably said, “We are all star stuff,” referring to the fact that all the elements on Earth (and in the human body) were originally formed inside stars.
Muller’s decision to call the possible twin star “Nemesis” is appropriate. Nemesis is the Ancient Greek goddess of retribution (particularly punishing those guilty of hubris, or excessive pride and arrogance rather than humility before the gods). If another star was impacting our solar system without human knowing, this could certainly be considered a Nemesis-like act of balancing the scales. Yet Nemesis is also an appropriate name due to its origins in Greek mythology. The idea of the star Nemesis certainly has a mythical, poetic quality to it.