The youngest Burnell sister, Kezia is more independent and thoughtful than both Isabel and Lottie. Her favorite part of the doll’s house is its small lamp, which she believes fits inside of it…
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Isabel Burnell
The older sister of Lottie and Kezia, Isabel is bossy and wants to be the first to brag about the doll’s house to the other girls at school. Isabel cares about what others think…
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Lil Kelvey
The older sister of Else and the daughter of the village’s “spry washerwoman,” Lil is often mocked by the other girls at school. She is “a stout, plain child, with big freckles,” and wears a…
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Else Kelvey
The younger sister of Lil, Else is a shy, quiet, and mysterious child. She wears a long white dress that is too big for her and a pair of old boys’ boots. A “tiny…
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Aunt Beryl
The aunt of Isabel, Lottie,and Kezia Burnell, Aunt Beryl is the sister of Mrs. Burnell and lives with the family in their country home. This implies that she is unmarried and…
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A friend of Isabel’s and one of the first two girls invited to see the doll’s house. When the girls are gossiping one day at school, Lena has the idea to embarrass the…
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Emmie Cole
Another friend of Isabel’s who is invited with Lena Logan to see the doll’s house first. She starts the cruel whisper about Lil Kelvey at lunch one day, whispering to Isabel, “Lil Kelvey’s going…
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Lottie Burnell
The middle Burnell daughter and sister to Isabel and Kezia.When Isabel instructs Lottie and Kezia to let her tell the other girls about the doll’s house first, she does not resist, but understands…
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Willie Brent
Willie Brent writes a letter to Aunt Beryl threatening to come to her front door if she doesn’t meet him in Pullman’s Bush later that night. He is likely a past or current lover of…
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Minor Characters
Jessie May
Another girl who goes to the village school with the Burnells and the Kelveys. She dares Lena Logan to approach the Kelveys and ask Lil if she will be a servant when she grows up.
Pat is the Burnell family handyman. He brings the doll’s house into the courtyard and picks up the Burnell girls from school.
Mrs. Burnell
Mother of Isabel, Lottie, and Kezia. When Kezia asks her if she can invite Lil and Else Kelvey to see the doll’s house, she tells her no, and does not explain why except to say, “Run away, Kezia; you know quite well why not.”
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Kravatz, Jillian. "The Doll’s House Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 21 Aug 2018. Web. 17 Feb 2025.