Patricia Wiley, one of The Dream House’s three main characters, is a humorous, self-centered, elderly white woman living with her husband Richard Wiley on a farm in post-apartheid South Africa. She met Richard after…
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Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu)
Looksmart, another of The Dream House’s three main characters, is an intelligent, tormented Black man who lives in Johannesburg with his wife, daughters, and elderly mother. During apartheid, his mother moved to Patricia…
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Beauty (Togo)
Beauty, the third of The Dream House’s main characters, is a plain-looking Black South African woman in her late thirties who works for Patricia Wiley and Richard Wiley. Her family lives on the…
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Richard Wiley
Richard Wiley is Patricia Wiley’s husband, Beauty and Bheki’s employer, and stillborn Rachel’s father. He emigrated to South Africa from Yorkshire, England, got a job managing Patricia’s father’s farm, and began a…
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Bheki, Patricia Wiley’s driver and gardener, is a taciturn, late-middle-aged Black man who wears “impeccable blue overalls.” According to Patricia, she offered to get him a good education while he was growing up on…
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Grace was a young Black dairy worker on Patricia Wiley’s farm during the apartheid era. She was Beauty’s sister and Looksmart’s first love. Toward apartheid’s end, Patricia’s husband Richard Wiley killed her…
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John Ford
John Ford is an elderly white South African man, a retired former schoolteacher and headmaster, and the long-term adulterous lover of Patricia Wiley. They met and experienced an immediate attraction when Patricia brought Looksmart…
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Looksmart’s Mother
Looksmart’s mother moved to Patricia Wiley’s farm while pregnant with Looksmart. The other farm workers believed Looksmart’s father was in prison for some heinous crime. When Looksmart’s mother went into labor, Patricia helped…
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Patricia’s Father
Though dead for about half a century when the novel begins, Patricia’s father remains a positive, emotional memory for Patricia Wiley. She believes him to have been a good, hardworking, friendly man, though his…
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Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Bell was John Ford’s secretary when he was headmaster at the fancy school Looksmart attended. She knows about John and Patricia Wiley’s long-term affair. After John’s suicide, Mrs. Bell calls Patricia to…
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Rachel is Patricia Wiley and Richard Wiley’s only child, born dead at seven months. They buried her near a stand of trees on their farm. Richard, suffering from dementia, spends much of the novel…
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