The Drover’s Wife


Henry Lawson

The Drover Character Analysis

The drover never appears in the story, but his existence shapes much of the action that does take place. The bushwoman is notably defined in the title of the story as the drover’s wife, reflecting the fact that her life consists mostly in waiting for him and raising his children in his absence. Despite these long absences, the bushwoman appreciates the drover, saying that “he is careless, but he is a good enough husband” who provides for his family: “if he has a good cheque when he comes back he will give most of it to her.” Before losing everything in a drought years before the story takes place, the drover spoiled his wife with trips into the city, featuring buggy rides and hotel stays. He has a brother who lives on the main road, neatly twenty miles from his home in the bush, and his brother brings the bushwoman provisions “about once a month.”

The Drover Quotes in The Drover’s Wife

The The Drover’s Wife quotes below are all either spoken by The Drover or refer to The Drover. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Drover’s Wife Quotes

No undergrowth. Nothing to relieve the eye save the darker green of a few she-oaks which are sighing above the narrow, almost waterless creek. Nineteen miles to the nearest sign of civilization—a shanty on the main road.

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, The Drover
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Page Number: 39
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The sight of his mother in trousers greatly amused Tommy, who worked like a little hero by her side, but the terrified baby howled lustily for his ‘mummy.’

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, Tommy, The Drover
Page Number: 48-49
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She stood for hours in the drenching downpour, and dug an overflow gutter to save the dam across the creek. But she could not save it. There are things that a bushwoman cannot do.

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, The Drover
Page Number: 49
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The Drover Quotes in The Drover’s Wife

The The Drover’s Wife quotes below are all either spoken by The Drover or refer to The Drover. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Drover’s Wife Quotes

No undergrowth. Nothing to relieve the eye save the darker green of a few she-oaks which are sighing above the narrow, almost waterless creek. Nineteen miles to the nearest sign of civilization—a shanty on the main road.

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, The Drover
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 39
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The sight of his mother in trousers greatly amused Tommy, who worked like a little hero by her side, but the terrified baby howled lustily for his ‘mummy.’

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, Tommy, The Drover
Page Number: 48-49
Explanation and Analysis:

She stood for hours in the drenching downpour, and dug an overflow gutter to save the dam across the creek. But she could not save it. There are things that a bushwoman cannot do.

Related Characters: The Bushwoman, The Drover
Page Number: 49
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