The Enemy


V. S. Naipaul

Hat is the narrator and his mother’s neighbor in Port-of-Spain. At one point he saves the narrator from drowning, an experience that the narrator writes about in an essay for school. The pivotal ending scene of the story, when the narrator is injured and falls unconscious, occurs at Hat’s house, when he is tearing down his old latrine. Hat is a minor character is this story and does not actually appear directly in any of the scenes, but he is a more significant character in many of V. S. Naipaul’s other interconnected stories, serving as a mentor figure for the narrator.
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Hat Character Timeline in The Enemy

The timeline below shows where the character Hat appears in The Enemy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Enemy
Familial Love and Conflict Theme Icon
Shame and Dishonor Theme Icon
Colonialism, Power, and Revolt Theme Icon
To illustrate this point, the narrator recounts the story of when a man named Hat rescued him from nearly drowning at a place called Docksite. The narrator turns this experience... (full context)
Fear Theme Icon
Shame and Dishonor Theme Icon
One of the first people to have a new lavatory built is Hat, and many people gather to help demolish his old latrine. The narrator is too small... (full context)