The Enormous Radio


John Cheever

The Enormous Radio Characters

Irene Westcott

Irene Westcott, the protagonist of the story, is a stay-at-home mother of two who lives a seemingly comfortable, middle-class life in New York City. Like her husband, Jim Westcott, Irene is a secret lover… read analysis of Irene Westcott

Jim Westcott

Jim Westcott, the husband of Irene Westcott, is an avid music lover and the sole breadwinner of the Westcott family. His attire, mannerisms, and cultivated naivety allow him to appear and act younger than… read analysis of Jim Westcott

Mr. Osborn

Mr. Osborn, who lives in apartment 16-C, is a neighbor of Jim and Irene Westcott. When Irene uses the radio to eavesdrop on the apartment, she realizes that Mr. Osborn is abusing his wife… read analysis of Mr. Osborn

The Hutchinsons

The Hutchinsons are Jim and Irene Westcott’s neighbors. Mrs. Hutchinson, the wife, has a sick mother who cannot receive proper medical treatment due to insufficient funds. Irene uses the Hutchinsons’ financial strife to reinforce… read analysis of The Hutchinsons

Irene’s Friend

Irene’s interaction with her friend, who remains unnamed, illustrates Irene’s increasing awareness of the world and her realization that everyone is concerned with maintaining appearances. As Irene listens to the radio and becomes more… read analysis of Irene’s Friend
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Minor Characters
Miss Armstrong
Miss Armstrong is a nurse to the Sweeneys’ children; the Sweeneys are neighbors of the Westcotts. Irene realizes that the radio is broadcasting their neighbors’ conversations when she recognizes Miss Armstrong’s voice singing to the Sweeney children.