The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Aunt Shauna is Paul and Vincent’s aunt. Vincent comes to live with Shauna in Vancouver after Vincent’s father’s work schedule prevents him from adequately caring for her. Eventually, Vincent’s rebelliousness becomes too much for Shauna to manage, and Vincent drops out of high school, leaves Shauna’s home, and moves into a dilapidated apartment with Melissa.
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Aunt Shauna Character Timeline in The Glass Hotel

The timeline below shows where the character Aunt Shauna appears in The Glass Hotel. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: I Always Come to You
...doesn’t have much cash left, and his new plan is to stay with his aunt Shauna, who has a huge house. Paul hasn’t seen Vincent in five years, when she was... (full context)
Aunt Shauna finally picks up, addressing Paul cautiously. She tells him that Vincent moved out about a... (full context) with him and entertains the idea of sending Vincent to live with his sister Shauna. Grandma asks if there are any nearer jobs Dad can take, which would enable him... (full context)