The Golden Ass



Thrasyleon Character Analysis

Thrasyleon is a (deceased) member of the group of thieves who sack Milo and kidnap Lucius (in donkey form). One of his companions tells a story about how Thrasyleon tried to rob the gladiator Demochares by dressing up in a bear skin and acting like a bear, but the thieves are caught, and Thrasyleon is killed in the bear suit.
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Thrasyleon Character Timeline in The Golden Ass

The timeline below shows where the character Thrasyleon appears in The Golden Ass. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 4
The thief Thrasyleon gets dressed up in the bear skin. The other thieves put him in a cage... (full context)
That night Thrasyleon sneaks out of his cage, kills the guards, then opens the gate for the other... (full context)’s a shame for a rare creature like a bear to be wasted on dogs. Thrasyleon is eventually torn apart. They don’t realize Thrasyleon is a human until a butcher cuts... (full context)