The Good Earth


Pearl Buck

The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool) Character Analysis

The eldest daughter is born during the famine, and Wang Lung takes her birth as a bad sign because she’s his first female child. She proves to be mentally disabled (perhaps as a result of her malnourished upbringing), and she never learns to talk or to take care of herself, instead sitting in the sun and smiling and laughing at Wang Lung. She twice comes close to awful tragedy, first in being born during the famine and second in almost being sold as a slave. Ironically, she ends up being the happiest character in the novel simply because she’s seemingly unaware of what goes on around her. Wang Lung wishes he himself had this ability to ignore everything bad, and so he dotes on his eldest daughter, and she in turn makes him happy.

The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool) Quotes in The Good Earth

The The Good Earth quotes below are all either spoken by The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool) or refer to The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

The voice of his wife answered from the bed more feebly than he had ever heard her speak,

“It is over once more. It is only a slave this time—not worth mentioning.”

Wang Lung stood still. A sense of evil struck him. A girl! A girl was causing all this trouble in his uncle’s house. Now a girl had been born into his house as well.

Related Characters: O-lan (speaker), Wang Lung, The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool), Wang Lung’s uncle
Page Number: 65
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The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool) Quotes in The Good Earth

The The Good Earth quotes below are all either spoken by The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool) or refer to The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

The voice of his wife answered from the bed more feebly than he had ever heard her speak,

“It is over once more. It is only a slave this time—not worth mentioning.”

Wang Lung stood still. A sense of evil struck him. A girl! A girl was causing all this trouble in his uncle’s house. Now a girl had been born into his house as well.

Related Characters: O-lan (speaker), Wang Lung, The daughter / the eldest daughter (the poor fool), Wang Lung’s uncle
Page Number: 65
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