The Graveyard Book


Neil Gaiman

Miss Lupescu Character Analysis

Miss Lupescu is a Hound of God—that is, a werewolf—who acts as Bod’s guardian whenever Silas is away. According to Miss Lupescu, Hounds of God don’t see their transformation to a wolf as a bad thing—rather, they see it as a gift from God. And because of this, Hounds of God are fierce defenders of everything good and will pursue foes into Hell. Miss Lupescu seems like a bit of a strange figure: she looks relatively young but has gray hair, wears oddly formal clothing, and feeds Bod greasy food. She also takes a more formal approach to Bod’s education—giving him lists of boring facts to memorize—which he detests. As far as Bod is concerned, Miss Lupescu doesn’t effectively tell him why he should care about anything she teaches him, and he deeply dislikes her. But when Bod accidentally goes through a ghoul-gate with several ghouls and finds himself in grave danger, he discovers that Miss Lupescu was actually teaching him useful information all along. Thanks to her lists, Bod remembers how to call for help in the night-gaunt’s language (giant birds that inhabit Hell), and he knows that he should do everything he can to avoid getting to the ghoul city of Ghûlheim. He finally learns that Miss Lupescu is a werewolf when she rescues him at Ghûlheim’s gates in her massive wolf form. The rescue results in a tender relationship between the two—Miss Lupescu takes to calling Bod “Nimeni,” and she returns yearly to teach and spend time with him. In addition to her role as a second guardian to Bod, Miss Lupescu is a member of the Honour Guard with Silas. She dies fighting the Jacks of All Trades to protect Bod.

Miss Lupescu Quotes in The Graveyard Book

The The Graveyard Book quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Lupescu or refer to Miss Lupescu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

Silas had brought Bod food, true [...] but this was, as far as Bod was concerned, the least of the things that Silas did for him. He gave advice, cool, sensible, and unfailingly correct; he knew more than the graveyard folk did, for his nightly excursions into the world outside meant that he was able to describe a world that was current, not hundreds of years out of date; he was unflappable and dependable, had been there every night of Bod’s life, so the idea of the little chapel without its only inhabitant was one that Bod found difficult to conceive of; most of all, he made Bod feel safe.

Related Characters: Nobody “Bod” Owens, Silas, Miss Lupescu
Page Number: 68
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Miss Lupescu Quotes in The Graveyard Book

The The Graveyard Book quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Lupescu or refer to Miss Lupescu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

Silas had brought Bod food, true [...] but this was, as far as Bod was concerned, the least of the things that Silas did for him. He gave advice, cool, sensible, and unfailingly correct; he knew more than the graveyard folk did, for his nightly excursions into the world outside meant that he was able to describe a world that was current, not hundreds of years out of date; he was unflappable and dependable, had been there every night of Bod’s life, so the idea of the little chapel without its only inhabitant was one that Bod found difficult to conceive of; most of all, he made Bod feel safe.

Related Characters: Nobody “Bod” Owens, Silas, Miss Lupescu
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis: