The Great Alone


Kristin Hannah

Marge Birdsall Character Analysis

Marge Birdsall, affectionately known as Large Marge by her friends, is the owner of the general store in Kaneq. She also lives a half mile from the Allbrights, making her their closest neighbor. Marge first came to Alaska after the death of her sister, a victim of domestic violence. Though Marge is steadfast in her love of Alaska, she is also keenly aware of its dangers. She warns the Allbrights about the perils of Alaskan winters and is the first to recognize that Alaska may not be a good place for Ernt. When something goes wrong in Kaneq, Marge is almost always first on the scene. She helps search for Geneva, rescue Cora, and she provides supplies whenever necessary, even when she knows she won’t be paid back. Additionally, Marge works with other members of the community to make sure that Leni can go to college.

Marge Birdsall Quotes in The Great Alone

The The Great Alone quotes below are all either spoken by Marge Birdsall or refer to Marge Birdsall . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

“Two kinds of folks come up to Alaska, Cora. People running to something and people running away from something. The second kind—you want to keep your eye out for them. And it isn’t just the people you need to watch out for, either. Alaska herself can be Sleeping Beauty one minute and a bitch with a sawed-off shotgun the next. There’s a saying: Up here you can make one mistake. The second one will kill you.”

Related Characters: Marge Birdsall (speaker), Coraline (Cora) Allbright
Page Number: 35
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Marge Birdsall Quotes in The Great Alone

The The Great Alone quotes below are all either spoken by Marge Birdsall or refer to Marge Birdsall . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

“Two kinds of folks come up to Alaska, Cora. People running to something and people running away from something. The second kind—you want to keep your eye out for them. And it isn’t just the people you need to watch out for, either. Alaska herself can be Sleeping Beauty one minute and a bitch with a sawed-off shotgun the next. There’s a saying: Up here you can make one mistake. The second one will kill you.”

Related Characters: Marge Birdsall (speaker), Coraline (Cora) Allbright
Page Number: 35
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