The Great Alone


Kristin Hannah

Mrs. Golliher   Character Analysis

Mrs. Golliher is Cora’s wealthy mother. She is largely estranged from Cora’s family because she does not like or trust Ernt. At the beginning of the novel, she gives Cora money and warns her not to go to Alaska with Ernt. Toward the end of the story, Cora and Leni return to the Golliher home after fleeing Alaska. Mrs. Golliher is happy to welcome Cora and Leni into her home and takes care of them the best she can.

Mrs. Golliher   Quotes in The Great Alone

The The Great Alone quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Golliher   or refer to Mrs. Golliher   . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

“It’s been years,” her mother said. “Look at her. She’s happy. Why must we keep having this conversation?”

Cora wanted to agree. It was what she said to herself on a daily basis. Look, she’s happy. Sometimes, she was able to almost wholly believe it. And then there were days like today. She didn’t know what caused the change. Weather, maybe. Old habits. The kind of corrosive fear that once it moved in, pitted your bones and stayed forever.

Related Characters: Mrs. Golliher   (speaker), Leni Allbright, Coraline (Cora) Allbright
Page Number: 461
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Mrs. Golliher   Quotes in The Great Alone

The The Great Alone quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Golliher   or refer to Mrs. Golliher   . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

“It’s been years,” her mother said. “Look at her. She’s happy. Why must we keep having this conversation?”

Cora wanted to agree. It was what she said to herself on a daily basis. Look, she’s happy. Sometimes, she was able to almost wholly believe it. And then there were days like today. She didn’t know what caused the change. Weather, maybe. Old habits. The kind of corrosive fear that once it moved in, pitted your bones and stayed forever.

Related Characters: Mrs. Golliher   (speaker), Leni Allbright, Coraline (Cora) Allbright
Page Number: 461
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