The Great Alone


Kristin Hannah

Ice cracking and giving way symbolizes the danger of Alaska as well as Ernt’s ever-increasing rage. From early in the novel, ice is established as one of the most dangerous features of Alaska. Geneva Walker dies from walking on ice when she shouldn’t, and Leni almost falls into ice while hunting. Typically, ice cracks gradually before eventually giving way in a sudden burst. Similarly, Ernt’s temper builds gradually until eventually he snaps, causing harm to those around him. Subconsciously, Leni draws parallels between her father’s temper and cracking ice. She dreams about falling through ice and being dragged down by something that has her by the feet. Symbolically, that something is Ernt, whose simmering rage is just as dangerous as cracking ice, if not more so.

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Cracking Ice Symbol Timeline in The Great Alone

The timeline below shows where the symbol Cracking Ice appears in The Great Alone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12
...and is currently tracking a sheep. While doing so, Leni is forced to cross some ice, which she fears will break. She does manage to get to the other side, but... (full context)