The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society


Ann Shaffer

Captain Christian Hellman Character Analysis

Christian Hellman was a German soldier stationed on Guernsey. He fell in love with Elizabeth and is Kit's father. Most of the Society members found that Christian was very kind, loved literature, and didn't believe in the Nazi ideals. He helped Dawsey carry water for islanders, helped Sam Withers dig graves, and won Amelia's heart by informing her that he intended to return and marry Elizabeth after the war. Many of the islanders who write to Juliet say that they were good friends with Christian. He was also a doctor and not long before Kit's birth, he was sent to the continent to a hospital. However, his ship was torpedoed and he died somewhere in the English Channel.

Captain Christian Hellman Quotes in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Christian Hellman or refer to Captain Christian Hellman. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: 12 Mar, 1946 Quotes

Though I had little hope of success, I knew it was my duty to warn her of the fate that awaited her. I told her she would be cast out of decent society, but she did not heed me. In fact, she laughed. I bore it. Then she told me to get out of her house.

Related Characters: Miss Adelaide Addison (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Kit McKenna, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 82
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Part 1: 2 Apr, 1946 Quotes

The way that Christian and I met may have been unusual, but our friendship was not. I'm sure many Islanders grew to be friends with some of the soldiers. But sometimes I think of Charles Lamb and marvel that a man born in 1775 enabled me to make two such friends as you and Christian.

Related Characters: Dawsey Adams (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1: 13 May, 1946 Quotes

I sometimes think that we are morally obliged to begin a search for Kit's German relations, but I cannot bring myself to do it. Christian was a rare soul, and he detested what his country was doing, but the same cannot be true for many Germans...And how could we send our Kit away to a foreign—and destroyed—land, even if her relations could be found? We are the only family she's ever known.

Related Characters: Mrs. Amelia Maugery (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Kit McKenna, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 137-38
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 19 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Why, there'd be soldiers riding guard in the back of potato lorries going to the army's mess hall—children would follow them, hoping potatoes would fall off into the street. Soldiers would look straight ahead, grim-like, and then flick potatoes off the pile—on purpose.

Related Characters: Captain Christian Hellman (speaker), Sam Withers (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 208
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 7 Sep, 1946 Quotes

She was showing me her treasures, Sophie—her eyes did not leave my face once. We were both so solemn, and I, for once, didn't start crying; I just held out my arms. She climbed right into them, and under the covers with me—and went sound asleep. Not me! I couldn't. I was too happy planning the rest of our lives.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Kit McKenna, Sophie Strachan, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 259
Explanation and Analysis:
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Captain Christian Hellman Quotes in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Christian Hellman or refer to Captain Christian Hellman. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: 12 Mar, 1946 Quotes

Though I had little hope of success, I knew it was my duty to warn her of the fate that awaited her. I told her she would be cast out of decent society, but she did not heed me. In fact, she laughed. I bore it. Then she told me to get out of her house.

Related Characters: Miss Adelaide Addison (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Kit McKenna, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 82
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Part 1: 2 Apr, 1946 Quotes

The way that Christian and I met may have been unusual, but our friendship was not. I'm sure many Islanders grew to be friends with some of the soldiers. But sometimes I think of Charles Lamb and marvel that a man born in 1775 enabled me to make two such friends as you and Christian.

Related Characters: Dawsey Adams (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1: 13 May, 1946 Quotes

I sometimes think that we are morally obliged to begin a search for Kit's German relations, but I cannot bring myself to do it. Christian was a rare soul, and he detested what his country was doing, but the same cannot be true for many Germans...And how could we send our Kit away to a foreign—and destroyed—land, even if her relations could be found? We are the only family she's ever known.

Related Characters: Mrs. Amelia Maugery (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Kit McKenna, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 137-38
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 19 Jul, 1946 Quotes

Why, there'd be soldiers riding guard in the back of potato lorries going to the army's mess hall—children would follow them, hoping potatoes would fall off into the street. Soldiers would look straight ahead, grim-like, and then flick potatoes off the pile—on purpose.

Related Characters: Captain Christian Hellman (speaker), Sam Withers (speaker), Juliet Ashton, Elizabeth McKenna, Sidney Stark, Kit McKenna
Page Number: 208
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: 7 Sep, 1946 Quotes

She was showing me her treasures, Sophie—her eyes did not leave my face once. We were both so solemn, and I, for once, didn't start crying; I just held out my arms. She climbed right into them, and under the covers with me—and went sound asleep. Not me! I couldn't. I was too happy planning the rest of our lives.

Related Characters: Juliet Ashton (speaker), Elizabeth McKenna, Kit McKenna, Sophie Strachan, Captain Christian Hellman
Page Number: 259
Explanation and Analysis: