The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society


Ann Shaffer

Reverend Simon Simpless Character Analysis

Juliet's childhood reverend, who provides Amelia Maugery with a character reference for Juliet. Reverend Simpless appears to have a way with children; he took Juliet seriously when, as a child, she insisted the congregation not sing a certain hymn because it portrayed God as a distracted slacker. He returned a runaway Juliet to her great-uncle Dr. Roderick Ashton twice and the second time, convinced Dr. Ashton to send Juliet to boarding school. He made sure to suggest a school that wasn't harsh and unfeeling and housed Juliet several times during her school breaks.
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Reverend Simon Simpless Character Timeline in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The timeline below shows where the character Reverend Simon Simpless appears in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part One, 10th February, 1946
...never make fun of someone who loves to read. Juliet says that she's asked the Reverend Simon Simpless and Lady Bella Taunton to provide character references. Bella Taunton doesn't like Juliet, so Juliet... (full context)
Part One, 13th February, 1946
Reverend Simon Simpless writes to Amelia, telling her that she can trust Juliet. He says that she's stubborn... (full context)
Part Two, 28th June, 1946
...and Juliet has been careful to not press or treat her differently. Juliet remembers how Reverend Simpless 's wife made her cakes when her parents died, and it was awful to have... (full context)