The Happiest Refugee


Anh Do

Uncle Two Character Analysis

Second eldest brother to Tam, Anh’s father. Uncle Two accompanies Anh’s family and other family members on the dangerous voyage of escape from Vietnam, shortly after the end of the Vietnam War. He and his wife and four children move in with Tam, Anh’s mother, and their children in the industrial space that the family occupies for a time in Sydney, Australia. Uncle Two’s left hand is missing a finger because during the Vietnam War he had served as a sapper, defusing landmines, and lost his finger in an accident. He has a tragic end, as he ends up suffering from mental illness in Australia and ends up in a mental institution.
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Uncle Two Character Timeline in The Happiest Refugee

The timeline below shows where the character Uncle Two appears in The Happiest Refugee. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...their birth order. Anh’s father Tam was known as Four, among his other siblings, One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine. Anh’s grandmother supported all the children on the meager... (full context)
Chapter 3
...with V8 sewing machines, which the family uses to make garments. Anh’s father invites Uncle Two and his wife and four children to move in with them. Anh is happy to... (full context)
Uncle Two and his family live with Anh and his family for two years, but then disagreements... (full context)
Chapter 4
Anh’s father Tam and his brothers Two, Three, and Nine buy a waterfront farm. Tam wants to launch a duck egg business.... (full context)
Chapter 12
...realizes that not all members of the extended family have. One day, he sees Uncle Two on television. He is in a mental institution. When Anh calls his father to find... (full context)