The Hate U Give


Angie Thomas

Hailey Grant Character Analysis

Hailey is Starr’s oldest friend at Williamson, the two having grown close when Hailey’s mother died of cancer around same time that Natasha was killed. Their friendship unravels over the course of the novel, however. First, Hailey unfollows Starr’s Tumblr account after the latter posts a picture of Emmett Till, a black teen murdered for whistling at a white woman in the 1950s. Hailey’s racism then becomes increasingly apparent throughout the story. She dismisses Khalil as a drug dealer and thug who the world is better off without, leading to a physical altercation with Starr. Though Hailey tries to make up with Starr, she fails to admit to or apologize for her racism. At the end of the novel, Starr decides to cut Hailey out of her life entirely.

Hailey Grant Quotes in The Hate U Give

The The Hate U Give quotes below are all either spoken by Hailey Grant or refer to Hailey Grant. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Hailey texted me immediately after, freaking out. I thought it was because she couldn't believe someone would do that to a kid. No. She couldn't believe I would reblog such an awful picture.

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Hailey Grant
Page Number: 77
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Chapter 7 Quotes

“Hustle! Pretend the ball is some fried chicken. Bet you'll stay on it then.”

Related Characters: Hailey Grant (speaker), Starr Carter
Page Number: 111
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The drug dealer. That's how they see him. It doesn't matter that he's suspected of doing it. “Drug dealer” is louder than “suspected” ever will be.

If it's revealed that I was in the car, what will that make me? The thug ghetto girl with the drug dealer? What will my teachers think about me? My friends? The whole fucking world, possibly?

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Khalil Harris, Hailey Grant, Maya Yang
Page Number: 113
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Chapter 14 Quotes

That's the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What’s the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Hailey Grant, Maya Yang
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Hailey hands me two pictures. One is Khalil's thugshot, as Daddy calls it. One of the pictures they've shown on the news. Hailey printed it off the internet. Khalil wears a smirk, gripping a handful of money and throwing up a sideways peace sign.

The other picture, he's twelve. I know because I'm twelve in it too. It's my birthday party at this laser tag place downtown. Khalil's on one side of me, shoveling strawberry cake into his mouth, and Hailey's on my other side, grinning for the camera along with me.

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Khalil Harris, Hailey Grant
Page Number: 339
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Hailey Grant Quotes in The Hate U Give

The The Hate U Give quotes below are all either spoken by Hailey Grant or refer to Hailey Grant. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Hailey texted me immediately after, freaking out. I thought it was because she couldn't believe someone would do that to a kid. No. She couldn't believe I would reblog such an awful picture.

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Hailey Grant
Page Number: 77
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Chapter 7 Quotes

“Hustle! Pretend the ball is some fried chicken. Bet you'll stay on it then.”

Related Characters: Hailey Grant (speaker), Starr Carter
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:

The drug dealer. That's how they see him. It doesn't matter that he's suspected of doing it. “Drug dealer” is louder than “suspected” ever will be.

If it's revealed that I was in the car, what will that make me? The thug ghetto girl with the drug dealer? What will my teachers think about me? My friends? The whole fucking world, possibly?

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Khalil Harris, Hailey Grant, Maya Yang
Page Number: 113
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Chapter 14 Quotes

That's the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What’s the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Hailey Grant, Maya Yang
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Hailey hands me two pictures. One is Khalil's thugshot, as Daddy calls it. One of the pictures they've shown on the news. Hailey printed it off the internet. Khalil wears a smirk, gripping a handful of money and throwing up a sideways peace sign.

The other picture, he's twelve. I know because I'm twelve in it too. It's my birthday party at this laser tag place downtown. Khalil's on one side of me, shoveling strawberry cake into his mouth, and Hailey's on my other side, grinning for the camera along with me.

Related Characters: Starr Carter (speaker), Khalil Harris, Hailey Grant
Page Number: 339
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