The Haunting of Hill House


Shirley Jackson

Old Miss Crain Character Analysis

Hugh Crain’s elder daughter, and one of the previous owners of Hill House. She lived out her life alone and left the house to a young woman from the nearby village who had acted as her companion. Old Miss Crain’s younger sister later sued the companion for Hill House, furious that Old Miss Crain had not left it to her, and the conflict eventually lead to the companion’s suicide at the house.
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Old Miss Crain Character Timeline in The Haunting of Hill House

The timeline below shows where the character Old Miss Crain appears in The Haunting of Hill House. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
...a girl from the village of Hillsdale into the house “as a kind of companion.” Old Miss Crain , as she became known, quarreled constantly with her younger sister, who demanded to be... (full context)
Chapter 4, they find a huge and grotesque marble statue of the Crain family—Mrs. Dudley and Old Miss Crain ’s young companion are featured in the sculpture, as well. The statue makes Eleanor want... (full context)