The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

Harry de Vries / “The Bulldog” Character Analysis

A Jewish resident of Haarlem. Prior to the war, Corrie and Father frequently encounter the man walking his beloved bulldogs. During the occupation, when they see that he has a yellow star sewn onto his coat, they befriend him. Harry has converted to Christianity but retains his Jewish cultural identity, and he and his wife Cato become regular visitors at the Beje. Eventually, fearing imminent deportation, they seek help with the ten Booms and Corrie places them in a safe house. However, eventually the house is raided by the Gestapo. Harry is deported and Corrie never discovers what happens to him.
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Harry de Vries / “The Bulldog” Character Timeline in The Hiding Place

The timeline below shows where the character Harry de Vries / “The Bulldog” appears in The Hiding Place. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Watch Shop
...break. They always see the same people, and their favorite is a man they nickname the Bulldog , for the two pets whose facial features are similar to his own. They’re touched... (full context)
...places. They see people wearing the yellow star—including their long acquaintance, the man they call the Bulldog . (full context)
...secondhand shop and, at the door, introduce themselves. The man turns out to be named Harry de Vries. When Father asks after the bulldogs, Harry sadly confesses that he has poisoned... (full context)
Struck with sympathy, Father offers to accompany Harry on his daily walks. The other man refuses, saying that to do so would put... (full context)
...hiding people in the city, even though it’s not very safe there. Around this time, Harry and Cato come to her for help—their shop has just been confiscated, and they fear... (full context)
...spring slowly arrives, Cato arrives one night at the Beje. Tearfully, she tells Corrie that Harry has been arrested. The night before, a group of the young men “went crazy” and... (full context)
That Friday, Rolf van Vliet visits the shop again. Hurriedly, he tells Corrie that Harry will be taken to Amsterdam the next day, and Cato should come to the police... (full context)
The Raid is marched to the nearby police station, through the doors where Corrie last saw Harry de Vries into a large gymnasium. For hours they sit on the floor, dazed, while... (full context)