The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden Character Analysis

Corrie’s older sister. As a child, Corrie frequently contrasts Nollie’s composure and physical poise to her own shy nature and plain looks; however, she admires her sister’s attributes rather than resenting them. Since girls cannot win university scholarships and the family can’t afford tuition, Nollie attends a teacher training program, where she meets her husband, Flip von Woerden. Nollie and Flip live close to the Beje and have several children, including Corrie’s favorite nephew, Peter. During the occupation, Corrie enlists Nollie into hiding several Jews in her house. Eventually, Nollie’s activities are discovered and she is arrested and held in prison for several weeks before Corrie manages to get her medically discharged. She is detained a second time when the Gestapo arrests Corrie and the rest of the family, but she is released in Haarlem, rather than being sent to a concentration camp.

Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden Quotes in The Hiding Place

The The Hiding Place quotes below are all either spoken by Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden or refer to Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Eusie Quotes

Love. How did one show it? How could God Himself show truth and love at the same time in a world like this?

By dying. The answer stood out for me sharper and chillier than it ever had before that night: the shape of a Cross etched on the history of the world.

Related Characters: Corrie ten Boom (speaker), Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden
Page Number: 108
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Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden Quotes in The Hiding Place

The The Hiding Place quotes below are all either spoken by Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden or refer to Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Eusie Quotes

Love. How did one show it? How could God Himself show truth and love at the same time in a world like this?

By dying. The answer stood out for me sharper and chillier than it ever had before that night: the shape of a Cross etched on the history of the world.

Related Characters: Corrie ten Boom (speaker), Nollie ten Boom/von Woerden
Page Number: 108
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