The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

Tante Jans Character Analysis

Mama’s sister and Corrie’s aunt, who lives in the Beje for most of Corrie’s childhood. One of the most devout members of the family, Tante Jans is a well-known writer of religious tracts; as a child, Corrie feels that she is very important because she supervises many charitable initiatives and often meets with wealthy donors. At the same time, Tante Jans is oblivious to more prosaic matters like housework, most of which falls to Mama and Tante Anna. While Corrie respects her aunt, through this contrast she implies that tangible efforts to care for a family and help others are more important than theological discussions. Tante Jans dies of diabetes when Corrie is a teenager.
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Tante Jans Character Timeline in The Hiding Place

The timeline below shows where the character Tante Jans appears in The Hiding Place. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
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...for a more presentable outfit. Meanwhile, Nollie declares that she won’t wear the ugly hat Tante Jans has bought her. Instead, she produces a tiny fur hat, which the milliner kindly gave... (full context)
Tante Jans has been living with the family ever since her husband died. This has complicated household... (full context)
Nollie knows that Tante Jans will protest if she wears the fur hat to school; to her, all fashionable clothes... (full context)
...erstwhile charges—but Father says it doesn’t matter. Mama warns them quietly to be nice to Tante Jans today, as it’s the anniversary of the death of a distant friend. Such things upset... (full context)
Tante Jans appears at the door, holding a medicinal tonic she’s brewed herself. As if in the... (full context)
Suddenly, Tante Jans notices Nollie’s hat and begins to criticize it. Quickly, Mama wonders aloud if the cheese... (full context)
...dies. Mama and Tante Anna deal with their sadness by redoubling their charitable efforts, and Tante Jans responds by dwelling on the possibility of death even more than before. A few years... (full context)
Each week, a complicated test must be run to analyze Tante Jans ’s blood sugar. To save the expense of doctor’s visits, Corrie learns to perform the... (full context)
Months later, Corrie is devastated to see that Tante Jans ’s weekly blood test has come out badly. Corrie runs to the doctor and he... (full context)
Four months after Tante Jans ’s death, the family travels to watch Willem’s first sermon—a huge milestone and point of... (full context)