The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

The Nazi party within Holland, existing prior to the war. After the occupation, NSB members collaborated with the Nazis and sometimes acted as spies. In return, they were granted privileges like extra ration cards and sometimes appropriated the property of deported Jews.

NSB Quotes in The Hiding Place

The The Hiding Place quotes below are all either spoken by NSB or refer to NSB. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Invasion Quotes

Some joined the NSB simply for the benefits: more food, more clothing coupons, the best jobs and housing. But others became NSBers out of conviction. Nazism was a disease to which the Dutch, too, were susceptible, and those with an anti-Semitic bias fell sick of it first.

Related Characters: Corrie ten Boom (speaker)
Page Number: 84
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The Three Visions Quotes

When mention of the NSBers no longer brought a volley of self-righteous wrath, I knew the person’s healing was not far away. And the day he said, “These people you spoke of—I wonder if they’d care for some homegrown carrots,” then I knew the miracle had taken place.

Related Characters: Corrie ten Boom (speaker)
Page Number: 247
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NSB Term Timeline in The Hiding Place

The timeline below shows where the term NSB appears in The Hiding Place. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...isolated vandalism of Jewish stores. However, more and more people are starting to join the NSB, the Dutch Nazi organization. Some just want the privileges and increased rations that come with... (full context)
...disappearing. Mr. Kan’s watch shop across the street simply stops opening one day and an NSB family takes over his apartment. Sometimes arrests even take place in public. One day Father... (full context)
The Three Visions
...German soldiers than at Dutch collaborators. These people, many of them former members of the NSB, are now shunned and reviled by the general society. (full context)
...causes fights with the survivors. Instead, she makes the Beje into a home for former NSB members. During the years after the war, Corrie superintends these two projects, experimenting with new... (full context) As they become mentally and physically stronger, Corrie always tells the patients about the NSB-ers living in the Beje, who never have visitors or mail. When the residents no longer... (full context)