The Hot Zone


Richard Preston

Thomas Geisbert Character Analysis

An intern at USAMRIID who specializes in using the Institute’s super-powerful electron microscope, Geisbert takes the initial pictures that identify the Reston virus as Ebola. Like Peter Jahrling, he is potentially exposed to the virus when the two men sniff a vial full of it (unaware that the agent within it is Ebola).

Thomas Geisbert Quotes in The Hot Zone

The The Hot Zone quotes below are all either spoken by Thomas Geisbert or refer to Thomas Geisbert. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2, Chapter 5 Quotes

He saw virus particles shaped like snakes, in negative images. They were white cobras tangled among themselves, like the hair of Medusa. They were the face of Nature herself, the obscene goddess revealed naked. This life form thing was breathtakingly beautiful. As he stared at it, he found himself being pulled out of the human world into a world where moral boundaries blur and finally dissolve completely. He was lost in wonder and admiration, even though he knew that he was the prey.

Related Characters: Richard Preston (speaker), Thomas Geisbert
Page Number: 149-150
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Thomas Geisbert Quotes in The Hot Zone

The The Hot Zone quotes below are all either spoken by Thomas Geisbert or refer to Thomas Geisbert. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2, Chapter 5 Quotes

He saw virus particles shaped like snakes, in negative images. They were white cobras tangled among themselves, like the hair of Medusa. They were the face of Nature herself, the obscene goddess revealed naked. This life form thing was breathtakingly beautiful. As he stared at it, he found himself being pulled out of the human world into a world where moral boundaries blur and finally dissolve completely. He was lost in wonder and admiration, even though he knew that he was the prey.

Related Characters: Richard Preston (speaker), Thomas Geisbert
Page Number: 149-150
Explanation and Analysis:
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