The House of the Scorpion


Nancy Farmer

Steven Alacrán Character Analysis

Steven is the second son of Mr. Alacrán and Felicia, and the great-great grandson of El Patrón. He initially appears kinder than his older brother, Benito, and helps Matt before he realizes Matt is a clone. Afterward, he ignores Matt but is never openly cruel to him, unlike Mr. Alacrán. According to El Patrón’s wishes, Steven marries Emilia. Steven betrays Matt by preventing his escape, showing that growing up in a society which discriminates against clones and values greed and ambition has influenced Steven.

Steven Alacrán Quotes in The House of the Scorpion

The The House of the Scorpion quotes below are all either spoken by Steven Alacrán or refer to Steven Alacrán. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“I should have known what he—it—was the minute I saw it. No servant would be allowed to keep a child or live away from the others. Benito told me about the situation, only I thought it was living somewhere else. In a zoo, maybe. Wherever those things are kept.”

Related Characters: Steven Alacrán (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán, Benito Alacrán
Page Number: 26
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Chapter 22 Quotes

“He’s livestock,” Steven said with a cold smile. “The law is very clear. All clones are classified as livestock because they’re grown inside cows. Cows can’t give birth to humans.”

Related Characters: Steven Alacrán (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 226
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Steven Alacrán Quotes in The House of the Scorpion

The The House of the Scorpion quotes below are all either spoken by Steven Alacrán or refer to Steven Alacrán. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“I should have known what he—it—was the minute I saw it. No servant would be allowed to keep a child or live away from the others. Benito told me about the situation, only I thought it was living somewhere else. In a zoo, maybe. Wherever those things are kept.”

Related Characters: Steven Alacrán (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán, Benito Alacrán
Page Number: 26
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Chapter 22 Quotes

“He’s livestock,” Steven said with a cold smile. “The law is very clear. All clones are classified as livestock because they’re grown inside cows. Cows can’t give birth to humans.”

Related Characters: Steven Alacrán (speaker), Matteo “Matt” Alacrán
Page Number: 226
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