The House of the Scorpion


Nancy Farmer

Teacher Character Analysis

Teacher is an eejit brought in to teach Matt. The facts that she is only addressed by her function shows the loss of identity caused by the computer chip in her brain. She is the first eejit Matt meets, causing him to become aware of the creation of eejits in his society.
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Teacher Character Timeline in The House of the Scorpion

The timeline below shows where the character Teacher appears in The House of the Scorpion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: Teacher
Matt’s new teacher, who just goes by Teacher, arrives at the apartment. She speaks with a cheery voice and has an odd laugh.... (full context)
The next day, and all the following days, Teacher has Matt repeat the exact same activities. Matt becomes so frustrated that he yells at... (full context)
Chapter 8: The Eejit in the Dry Field
...identify different parts of nature. They leave through the now empty fields. Matt realizes that Teacher is, in fact, an eejit. (full context)