The House of the Spirits


Isabel Allende

Nívea’s brother and Clara and Rosa’s uncle. When the novel begins, two men deliver Marcos’s body to the del Valle residence, along with his personal possessions, including trunks full of books and a puppy named Barrabás. Marcos died overseas of a mysterious plague, and Nívea and the children are devastated. Marcos was an odd man who preserved exotic animals with taxidermy and spent the nighttime hours making strange movements meant to perfect his mind and improve digestion. He frequently stayed with his sister and her family, and the children grow up hearing stories of his adventures in faraway lands. After Marcos’s death, Clara reads his magic books and travel journals, as do Clara’s children and her granddaughter, Alba. This further underscores the profound connection between family members, even those of distant generations.

Marcos Quotes in The House of the Spirits

The The House of the Spirits quotes below are all either spoken by Marcos or refer to Marcos. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Barrabás came to us by sea, the child Clara wrote in her delicate calligraphy. She was already in the habit of writing down important matters, and afterward, when she was mute, she also recorded trivialities, never suspecting that fifty years later I would use her notebooks to reclaim the past and overcome terrors of my own.

Related Characters: Alba de Satigny (speaker), Clara del Valle/Trueba, Barrabás, Marcos
Related Symbols: Clara’s Notebooks
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Marcos Quotes in The House of the Spirits

The The House of the Spirits quotes below are all either spoken by Marcos or refer to Marcos. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Barrabás came to us by sea, the child Clara wrote in her delicate calligraphy. She was already in the habit of writing down important matters, and afterward, when she was mute, she also recorded trivialities, never suspecting that fifty years later I would use her notebooks to reclaim the past and overcome terrors of my own.

Related Characters: Alba de Satigny (speaker), Clara del Valle/Trueba, Barrabás, Marcos
Related Symbols: Clara’s Notebooks
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