The Inconvenient Indian


Thomas King

Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Term Analysis

The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement was a 1993 settlement between the Canadian Government and the Inuit that gave the Inuit of the central and eastern Northwest Territories a new territory, Nunavut, in the eastern region of the Northwest Territories. In addition to the over 350,000 square kilometers of land the Inuit obtained through the agreement, they also obtained over one billion dollars. King explores the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in the final chapter of The Inconvenient Indian, tentatively framing them as evidence that Indian-White relations are moving in a positive direction.

Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Quotes in The Inconvenient Indian

The The Inconvenient Indian quotes below are all either spoken by Nunavut Land Claims Agreement or refer to Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 10. Happy Ever After Quotes

So long as we possess one element of sovereignty, so long as we possess one parcel of land, North America will come for us, and the question we have to face is how badly we wish to continue to pursue the concepts of sovereignty and self-determination.

Related Characters: Thomas King (speaker)
Page Number: 265
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Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Term Timeline in The Inconvenient Indian

The timeline below shows where the term Nunavut Land Claims Agreement appears in The Inconvenient Indian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10. Happy Ever After
...answers, King identifies two recurring topics: the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement . Before exploring these historical land-claim settlements, however, King takes a moment to address a... (full context)
The second land claims settlement King addresses is the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement , which he frames as the end of a land claim the Inuit initiated in... (full context)
King reaffirms the fact that ANCSA and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement are flawed documents. He also laments the persistent anti-Indian attitudes he continues to encounter around... (full context)