The Landlady


Roald Dahl

Mr. Greenslade, one of the “big shots” from the “Head Office in London,” is the businessman who encourages Billy to move to Bath for work. Although he is only mentioned briefly, he is an important figure in the story, as clearly Billy looks up to him. Because of Mr. Greenslade, and others like him, Billy believes that being successful means being “brisk” and making money. It is perhaps because of his “briskness” that Billy fails to notice important clues that might have helped him avoid his miserable demise.
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Mr. Greenslade Character Timeline in The Landlady

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Greenslade appears in The Landlady. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Landlady
Mr. Greenslade , from “the Head Office in London,” had told seventeen-year-old Billy that Bath was “a... (full context)